Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lyme disease

tick-borne microbial disease first recognized in 1975 in Lyme, Conn. In that year two children in Lyme developed swollen and painful joints and were diagnosed as having juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Their parents learned that many other children and adults in the area had been diagnosed with the same disease. Because rheumatoid arthritis does not usually manifest itself in clusters, the parents informed researchers at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., of the developing problem.
Ticks and Spirochetes

By the late 1970s researchers had traced the cause to a microorganism transmitted by the deer tick Ixodes dammini (now called I. scapularis), which is common in the wooded and grassy areas of Lyme, Conn. In 1982 the actual bacterium responsible for the disease was identified and named Borrelia burgdorferi, after Willy Burgdorfer of Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, Mont., who isolated the spirochete, or spiral-shaped organism.

The disease has been identified in other continents of the world including Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe. In the United States the disease occurs most often in the Northeast, Minnesota, and northern California. Between 15 and 30 percent of all I. scapularis ticks in the larval and nymph stages in the northeastern United States are infected with the B. burgdorferi microbe. About 50 percent of the adult ticks are infected. Between 1 and 3 percent of people in the Northeast who are bitten by an infected tick go on to develop Lyme disease. In northern California the bacterium is carried by the tick I. pacificus. The incidence of human infection with Lyme disease in California is much lower than that in the Northeast because the I. pacificus tick feeds more often on lizards and other animals that are more resistant to infection with the B. burgdorferi microbes.

I. scapularis ticks have a two-year life cycle that includes three feeding sessions. In the first summer, larva may feed on a bird, or on an infected or uninfected mouse. The following spring a nymph that fed as a larva on an infected mouse may feed on a bird, mouse, dog, or human, often transmitting the infection. In the fall an infected adult tick may feed on a deer, horse, dog or human, likewise transmitting the infection. Because the B. burgdorferi microbes are kept alive in part of the mouse population, tick larva become infected each summer if they feed on an infected mouse, thus continuing the cycle.
Course of the Disease

A person may contract the disease when an infected tick, usually in the nymph stage of development, attaches itself to the person's skin and stays attached for 36 to 48 hours. It takes that long for the B. burgdorferi microbes to start to multiply in the tick's gut and travel to its salivary glands. The microbes then have the opportunity to travel with the tick's saliva into the human host. Blood tests can be used to diagnose Lyme disease because human hosts begin to produce antibodies to fight the microbes; however, the antibodies are slow to appear, taking weeks or months after infection to reach detectable levels. Most cases of Lyme disease are easily treated by means of antibiotics if begun early enough. In about 10 percent of infected people who go untreated, the disease may progress to a chronic stage.

Of those who become infected, most will experience at least one symptom. Three to 30 days after the infection begins, most people will develop a round red rash at or near the site of the bite. The rash may expand to several inches in diameter, but it does not hurt or itch. As it expands it tends to clear up in the center so that it resembles a bull's-eye. Even without medical treatment the rash usually disappears within days or weeks, but this does not mean that the disease is cured.

Other symptoms may also occur in the early stages of the disease. These include the influenza-like symptoms of headaches, fatigue, chills, fever, loss of appetite, and backaches. There may also be some joint and muscle pain but no swelling. About one fifth of untreated sufferers may experience neurological symptoms. These can include Bell's palsy, meningitis, encephalitis, and radiculoneuropathy. The temporomandibular joint may also be affected.

These symptoms usually subside even without treatment; however, approximately six months after the tick bite, about half of the people who receive no antibiotics will develop attacks of arthritis with swelling and pain in one or more joints, especially in the knee joint.

The chronic arthritis of Lyme disease is characterized by repeated swelling of one or more joints, which may remain swollen and painful for more than a year. In most other types of arthritis, paired joints on each side of the body are affected. The affected joints of a person suffering from Lyme disease, however, typically are asymmetrical, or unpaired.

The chronic arthritic form of the disease is rare in Europe; however, chronic skin and nervous disorders have been observed. Neurological problems include reduced cognitive ability and insanity. About 10 percent of Europeans who remain untreated go on to suffer a chronic skin disorder in which an area of the skin becomes extremely thin, wrinkled, and red. Untreated infections of B. burgdorferi can cause disorders in nearly every organ, though symptoms involving the joints, nervous system, skin, and heart are the most common. The differing symptoms found in the United States and Europe probably result from different strains of B. burgdorferi.
Mice, Moths, and Acorns

The results of a three-year study published in 1998 revealed that a chain of intricately woven relationships among forest species may control the incidence of Lyme disease. Ecologists studying the relationships among white-footed mice, gypsy moths, and acorns in eastern United States forests found that large crops of acorns support a massive increase in the white-footed mice population. By feeding on gypsy moth larvae, the mice protect oak trees, which then produce more acorns. Although the increased mouse population affords protection to oak trees, however, it also harbors increased numbers of the ticks that spread Lyme disease. This phenomenon is termed a self-perpetuating tiered relationship among species.

The overall abundance of acorns in a given year directly affects the population size of white-footed mice. The increased amount of acorns leads to a population explosion among the mice, who will also feed on gypsy moth larvae and pupae. Gypsy moths usually feed on the leaves of oaks, thereby causing much damage to the trees. By feeding on gypsy moth larvae and pupae, the mice exert an indirect positive effect on the oaks. During years of low or zero acorn production, white-footed mice populations decrease in size; this allows the gypsy moth population to thrive and to forage on oaks.

However, the periodic acorn masts—the seasons when oaks bear acorns, usually two to five years apart—also attract white-tailed deer. The deer serve as hosts to the ticks that carry the spirochete organism that transmits Lyme disease. White-footed mice are also known to serve as hosts for these ticks. This suggests that the periodic masting of acorns in eastern United States forests might indirectly determine the incidence of Lyme disease during mast years, and gypsy moth outbreaks in non-mast years.

By rigorously testing several hypotheses, ecologists out to tease apart the intricacies of the tangled web. First they trapped and removed white-footed mice from several experimental plots to demonstrate that decreased numbers of white-footed mice would result in increased survival of gypsy moth larvae. They then simulated an acorn mast by distributing more than 3 tons of acorns over the plots that had the decreased mouse populations. Mouse numbers increased greatly and gypsy moth populations showed drastically decreased survivorship. The studies conclusively demonstrated that gypsy moth population size depends on the relationship between white-footed mice and acorns.

The researchers also tracked the numbers of ticks and tick larvae during the experiments. White-footed mice are a known reservoir of Lyme disease—this means that the mice carry the ticks that carry the organism that causes the disease, but the mice are not affected by the organism. The researchers found eight times as many tick larvae in the acorn-enriched plots as in the control plots (plots that had the same numbers of mice but were not given acorns). The increased incidence of tick larvae was related to increased numbers of white-tailed deer that were also attracted by the simulated acorn mast. Deer also harbor the ticks that carry Lyme disease. The deer undoubtedly brought increased numbers of adult ticks into the area. Once in the area, the adult ticks could produce large numbers of larvae, which would eventually mature and infest the mice.

The results of the study strongly suggest that increased acorn production directly supports the increased abundance of white-footed mice and deer; an increased population of mice suppresses gypsy moth outbreaks; and mice and deer support tick populations, potentially increasing the risk of Lyme disease. Epidemiologists caution that the study itself does not have much predictive value because of the many other factors important in determining outbreaks of Lyme disease. Ecologists note that the results emphasize the importance of ecosystem management. Attempts to decrease the spread of Lyme disease by trapping white-footed mice would send gypsy moth populations soaring, which would ultimately result in the devastation of the oak population.

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