Sunday, June 15, 2008

Heartworm disease

serious disease complex of dogs and cats in the United States and worldwide. Heartworm disease is caused by the parasitic filarial worm Dirofiliaria immitis, the adults of which colonize the right ventricle of the heart and the pulmonary artery. The disease, which is transmitted by mosquitoes, is potentially fatal, but it is also completely preventable by properly testing and medicating animals before they become infected. The disease is endemic in the southeastern United States, though the rate of incidence has risen dramatically across the United States; few states report no cases of heartworm.

In the host animal, adult heartworms live in the right ventricle of the heart, the vena cava, and the pulmonary arteries. The adult female worms produce microscopic larvae called microfilaria, which circulate throughout the bloodstream of the host animal, and are ingested by mosquitoes when the latter feed on the host. In the gut of the mosquito, the microfilaria develop into an infective larval form. When the insect bites an uninfected host animal, the infective larvae are injected into the host's tissue, then migrate to the blood, reaching the heart within about four months; in the heart, the larvae mature into adults during the next two to three months. The females produce microfilaria, which enter the circulation, and the cycle perpetuates when the infested blood is ingested by a mosquito.

In the host, the adult worms cause significant damage to the walls of the heart as well as the blood vessels. The vessels become inflamed, and the ventricle of the heart enlarges, causing the right side of the heart to work harder and resulting in enlargement of the right ventricle. The presence of worms in the ventricle and the pulmonary artery further impede blood flow to the lungs, leading to pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary emboli, or blood clots. If the animal is not treated for the disease, death due to right-sided heart failure is usually inevitable.

The pathogenesis of the disease is similar in dogs and cats, though there are important differences. In the dog, as many as 250 adult worms may be present at one time. This is a considerable number, especially if one takes into consideration the size of the adult worms: females average 11 inches (27 centimeters), and males 7 inches (17 centimeters), in length. The number of worms infecting cats is much lower, usually two to three adult worms per cat. The worms live from five to seven years in dogs, but only one to two years in cats. In dogs, the clinical signs of the disease are usually coughing, respiratory distress (labored breathing) and exercise intolerance. Symptoms of the disease in cats vary considerably. Some cats never show any significant signs, appearing normal one day and suffering acute heart failure the next. Other cats develop a chronic form of the disease, with vomiting and respiratory difficulties as the only clinical signs. Regardless of the clinical signs, the disease is usually more severe in cats and more difficult to detect and treat.

Treatment, though effective, is a challenge. For many years, heartworm disease in dogs was treated with arsenamide, a form of arsenic. This drug, though effective at resolving the disease, had serious side effects, including kidney and liver toxicity. New drugs with a higher margin of safety have been developed to treat heartworm disease in dogs. These adulticides kill the adult worms, which must then be cleared by the body. The risk of post-treatment lung inflammation and blood clots is high, hence the dog must be confined for a month after treatment. Other drugs are given to kill the microfilaria circulating in the dog's blood. In cats, treatment is more difficult. Some cats are able to clear the worms without treatment, though monitoring the animal for complications is essential. Supportive therapy, such as fluids and occasionally steroids, are indicated in some cases. The adulticides used to treat the disease in dogs are very risky to use in treating cats because there is a strong chance that the cat will develop pulmonary emboli after receiving the drugs.

The disease is diagnosed by a blood test that reveals the presence of the microfilaria in the blood. In some cases, no microfilaria are present in the blood though the animal is infected and may have adult worms in the heart. These cases, known as occult infection, may be diagnosed based on clinical history of symptoms and chest x-rays.

Heartworm disease is easily preventable. The animal must first be tested to determine if microfilaria are present in the circulation. This is essential, because if preventive medication is given to an animal that is already infected, the results could be fatal. Once the animal tests negative, a monthly medication is administered. This preventive treatment should begin in early spring and should continue for two months after the mosquito season ends. Because of the increasing prevalence of heartworm in the United States, many veterinarians now recommend preventive treatment year-round; however, a yearly test in the spring is still advisable.

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